Chrissie’s Services
Access Bars® Session
Do you remember the last moment in your life when you were totally relaxed and nurtured and cared for? Or has it been a little too long since you received healing and kindness without any judgment of your body or your being?
Access Bars® has assisted thousands of people to change many aspects of their lives. People report better health, ease of sleep, weight loss, better sex and relationships, relief from anxiety, less stress and so much more. What would it take to have a de-frag for your brain in a one hour session? Would you like to try Bars® and see how you feel? It worked for me to let go of the struggle and the pain of grief over 20 years ago. The Bars® turned my life around. Many other people also have had enormous change with Bars®. Examples of where The Bars® make a huge difference: PTSD, anxiety, depression, lack of confidence, upsets, stress, burn out, grief, pregnancy, exams, separation, getting married, work problems, chronic fatigue, headaches, pregnancy and birth.
Body Process™ Session
An Access Consciousness Body Process™ is a ‘hands-on-body’ method that uses different hand placements on various positions on the body and then asking specific energies to run at each spot. These processes facilitate the body back into its original functions, which assist with the repairing and longevity of the body. The energies are the natural energies that bodies are and have access to from everywhere in the universe. For a Body Process Session Allow 1 hr. Body Processes nurture your body and release stuck energies. Bring in energies that allow the body to heal itself. Surgical Operations, wounds that won’t heal, dis-ease in the body, strained muscles and many others. Chronic fatigue, broken bones or tendons that require energy to heal faster, any kind of shock or trauma, or dis-ease can be assisted quite miraculously. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have more peace and calm in your body?
Energetic Facelift™ Session
Energy work is the medicine of the future.
Access Energetic Facelift. Delightfully nurturing, rejuvenating process that changes the skin and muscles on the face and lets go of stuck energies.
The Energetic Facelift™ is a gentle hands-on energy process done with nurturing gentleness and care. Many different energies are used at once to facilitate the face and the body to rejuvenate. For judgements to release and for our bodies to be revitalised.
All of life comes to us with Ease, Joy, and Glory
ESSE (Energetic Synthesis Of Structural Embodiment) Bodywork Session
Would you like more ease for your body?
What can an ESSE session contribute to your body and your life?
Gary Douglas says: “ESSE deconstructs the glue of judgement that holds limitations in place and keeps bodies in pain”.
‘Symphony Of Possibilities’ Session
Symphony of Possibilities 30 min: $100; 1 Hour: $200 (All NZ) SOP (Symphony of Possibilities) taught by Dr. Dain Heer Sessions of potency yet total ease and gentleness that the body can receive, relieving traumas, anxiety, pain, blockages, and so much more. The Symphony of Possibilities is a deep and transformative energetic modality that invites people to receive and be in a completely different way. The Symphony energy has the capacity to bring the body and the being together again! So magic.......... in person or by whatsapp or zoom anywhere in the world.
‘Symphony Of Possibilities’ Session
Symphony of Possibilities 30 min: $100; 1 Hour: $200 (All NZ) SOP (Symphony of Possibilities) taught by Dr. Dain Heer Sessions of potency yet total ease and gentleness that the body can receive, relieving traumas, anxiety, pain, blockages, and so much more. The Symphony of Possibilities is a deep and transformative energetic modality that invites people to receive and be in a completely different way. The Symphony energy has the capacity to bring the body and the being together again! So magic.......... in person or by whatsapp or zoom anywhere in the world.
MTVSS Bodywork
MTVSS is an incredibly nurturing energy process for the body which can work with any sore parts in the body that you are unable to change with alopathic medicine or other body treatments. MTVSS will give the body the energy it requires to change many conditions of fatigue in the body. Also, as an immune system booster, it can change flu or colds very quickly. This process can also be used on animals.
MTVSS for the Immune System Example of where this process can help: Chronic Fatigue, Flu, persistent colds, other illnesses, skin dis ease, any areas where the body is mal-functioning. These energies can turn this around. Sometimes only one session is required.
Verbal Processing
Verbal processing is a dynamic way to change any difficulty or area of life. Using the Access clearing statement and the processes that bring up the energy of limitation, you can get clarity on an area of life and change how you're creating this.
Sessions can be over the phone/zoom or in person. Is there some area of your life you would like to change? Often just by changing your point of view you can create something you previously thought was impossible. Have you heard “Our point of view creates our reality”? We often have a point of view that we don’t know we have, and when using the Access clearing processes, we become aware of those points of view that are creating what is not working in our life. And poof – things change as if by magic. As a facilitator of Access Consciousness processes for over 15 years, I am always surprised at the ease in which things can be changed. The energy processes designed by Gary Douglas and Dr Dain Heer work their magic and open up doors that we never realised were there. Examples: relationships, work stuff, family problems, relationship break ups, grief, loss of any kind, conflicts, confusion and upsets. Very freeing!!!!!!
MTVSS Bodywork for Animals
MTVSS is an incredibly nurturing energy process for the body which can work with any sore parts in the body that you are unable to change with alopathic medicine or other body treatments. MTVSS will give the body the energy it requires to change many conditions of fatigue in the body. Also, as an immune system booster. This process can also be used very effectively with animals.
House, Past Life, Entity Clearing Sessions
House, Past Life, Entity Clearing Sessions. Allow 1 hr.
For energetic disturbances in your home or elsewhere these can be shifted successfully in a phone session or distantly. If you notice that kids are quite angry or doing weird things that is quite often an indication that some thing is going on that is unexplainable. Session can be done over the phone or on zoom.
For body disturbances, etc, I'd recommend that you attend for a hands-on session.
Weekly Bars Gift & Receive Sessions
Chrissie runs weekly Bars Gift & Receive Sessions. These are for people who have already completed a Bars® Class. This provides a very effective way to ensure you can continue to have your Bars® run regularly. Contact Chrissie via email or phone if you would like to know more.