Meet Chrissie
What can I offer to you?
Have a (2 minute) listen to my video.
A Warm Welcome
Hi, I’m Chrissie
Have you ever wondered if there is more to life? Are you in a stuck place and don't know how to move forward?
Many people, including myself have received miracles from the Access Bars®.
Would you like more ease in every area of your life?
When people first discover ‘The Bars’ and the questions that can open up their lives, they are surprised at how wonderful they start to feel. As they keep practicing and learning these tools they begin to break free of many limitations that are stopping them in multiple areas of their lives. People using the Access Tools find their lives improve.
I was NOT thriving when I began using the tools of Access Consciousness®. Have you heard of struggle and pain? That was me. Living in poverty and misery. My beloved son passed away at the age of 23 years. I was desperately searching for something that would alleviate the emotional pain and crying every day. When I first learned “The Bars”®, I had no idea how much they would change my life. I just thought, oh here is another one of those therapies that don't really make much difference.
OH MY! My life started to change
The crying stopped and I started to be more creative. So so so much more just continued to change.
I have information, tips and tools I will share with you. Tools you can use straight away to change the energy of your life. I would like to introduce you gently to some wonderful life-changing possibilities.
I am now happy and prosperous, having turned my life around by using these simple tools. Bars® was the first thing I learned which completely changed my mindset.
So, are you looking to get more out of your life? Anything you are asking for is possible. Hard to believe, I know! Amazing and pragmatic tips and tools to make your life easier and more fun.
For people who are looking for more fun, more joy, more peace, more kindness, caring and what else is possible?